Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Journal Archive

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43 , No. 1

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 113-124
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Mar 2019
Received 08 Feb 2019 Revised 27 Feb 2019 Accepted 15 Mar 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2019.

노인들의 신체적 여가활동 체험공간 의미: 콜라텍을 중심으로
박연지1 ; 김영재1

Meaning of the Physical Activity Experience Spaces for the Elderly: Focus on Collatek
Park, Yeon-Ji1 ; Kim, Young-Jae1
1Chung-ang University
Correspondence to : Kim, Young-Jae Chung-Ang University, Heukseok-ro 84, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea E-mail: yjkim@cau.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of the physical leisure activity space for elderly people. In order to understand the special space known as “Collatek,” the researcher visited several Collateks located in the following areas of Seoul and selected six participants for the study: Yeongdeungpo-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, and Jegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu. The study was conducted through a series of literature reviews, participation observation, and in-depth interviews. The result is derived from the theoretical framework of the “Space Production Theory” classified by Lefebvre. The results of the analysis based on the collected data are as follows. First, Collatek was reproduced as a leisure activity space for the elderly where spatial practice was being done. Collatek was transformed as a new leisure activity space for the elderly after teenagers left the area. Before Collatek, the elderly did not a have place to go, so they welcomed the new area. Second, in the cultural shady place, the elderly were experiencing representations of space as an area for leisure activities in sunny side. The meaning of Collatek, which was recognized as a negative space where an unspecified number of men and women would meet through dancing, has changed as the number of elderly people visiting the area has increased. Third, it can be seen that spaces of representation are produced through the production of a physical leisure activity space. The participants of the Collatek restored their healthy laughter and vitality through physical activities like dancing, and were able to form their own community.

Keywords: Elderly, Leisure, Leisure activity space, Collatek, Lefebvre, Space production theory
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