Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Current Issue

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48 , No. 2

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 53-64
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2022
Received 29 Jul 2022 Revised 09 Sep 2022 Accepted 26 Sep 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2022.

MZ세대의 자기애성향, SNS 이용동기, 과시적 여가소비의 관계
장나연1 ; 주진영2 ; 신규리3
1이화여자대학교 박사과정
2서울대학교 행복연구센터 박사후연구원
3서울과학기술대학교 교수

The relationship between Narcissism, Social Media usage motivation and Conspicuous leisure consumption among MZ generation
Jang, Nayeon1 ; Joo, Jinyoung2 ; Shin, Kyulee3
1Ewha Womans University
2Center for Happiness Studies
3Seoul National University of Science & Technology
Correspondence to : Joo, Jinyoung E-mail: newit03@gmail.com


This study aims to show how the narcissistic personality of the MZ generation affects conspicuous leisure consumption by examining the mediating effect of social media usage motivations (interpersonal relationship-seeking motive, information-seeking motive, status-seeking motive, entertainment-seeking motive). In this study, we collected 210 data via convenience sampling from MZ generation, ages 21 to 41 and processed the data with SPSS 22.0 and SPSS Process Macro program. The results are as follows. First, narcissism showed a positive correlation with status-seeking motive among social media usage motives. Second, all social media usage motives (interpersonal relationship-seeking motive, information-seeking motive, status-seeking motive, entertainment-seeking motive) showed a significant correlation with conspicuous leisure consumption. Third, narcissism was found to have a significant effect on conspicuous leisure consumption. Lastly, MZ generation's social media usage motives partially mediated the relationship between narcissism and conspicuous leisure consumption. Based on the results, this study suggests the importance of generational research and serve as a milestone for future studies that focus on MZ generation’s leisure industry. Moreover, we analyzed the pros and cons of conspicuous leisure consumption, and discussed the significance and limitations of the study.

Keywords: millennials, gen z, MZ generation, SNS usage motivation, social media usage motivation, narcissism, conspicuous leisure consumption
키워드: 밀레니얼, Z세대, MZ 세대, SNS 이용동기, 자기애성향, 과시적 여가소비

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