Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Current Issue

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48 , No. 1

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 51-61
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2022
Received 29 Apr 2022 Revised 30 May 2022 Accepted 17 Jun 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2022.

우리나라 국민들의 여가인식과 행복의 관계에서 여가정책만족도의 매개효과
김보람1 ; 이유진2 ; 김매이3
1고려대학교 연구교수
2서울시립대학교 연구교수
3고려대학교 교수

The mediating effect of leisure policy satisfaction in the relationship between Leisure consciousness and happiness of the people of our country
Kim, Bo-Ram1 ; Lee, Yujin2 ; Kim, May3
1Korea University
2University of Seoul
3Korea University
Correspondence to : Kim, May E-mail: kimmay@korea.ac.kr

Funding Information ▼


This study investigated the mediating effect of leisure policy satisfaction in the relationship between leisure consciousness and happiness with the purpose of providing basic data for establishing a systematic and evaluating leisure policies for the happy life of the people. In addition, specific leisure policy satisfaction factors affecting happiness were identified. To this end, a sample of 9,469 adults in their 20s or older was used for the final analysis based on the data from the 2020 Survey on National Leisure Activity. Using SPSS 27.0, frequency analyses, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, Process Macro 3.4 ver, Model 4 and multiple regression analyses were conducted. The conclusions drawn through these research procedures and methods are as follows. First, it was found that leisure policy satisfaction had a mediating effect in the relationship between leisure consciousness and happiness. Next, among leisure policy satisfaction factors, diversity of leisure facilities, legal guarantee of holidays and vacations, and program development and dissemination were found to have a positive effect on happiness in the order of satisfaction. On the other hand, club foster and support showed a negative effect on happiness. Therefore, starting with a positive perception of leisure, effective leisure policies that reflect the satisfaction and desires of the people should be continuously and actively devised and implemented. Through this, I hope that all of our people will be able to get closer to a more prosperous and happy life.

Keywords: leisure consciousness, leisure policy satisfaction, happiness, leisure activities, survey on national leisure activity
키워드: 여가인식, 여가정책만족도, 행복, 국민여가활동조사


이 연구는 ‘고려대학교에서 지원된 연구비로 수행되었음(Supported by a Korea University Grant)’

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