Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 45, No. 1, pp.39-53
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Mar 2021
Received 31 Jan 2021 Revised 11 Mar 2021 Accepted 22 Mar 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2021.

여가활동으로서의 모바일 증강현실 게임의 체험 의미: Pokémon GO를 하는 40대 이상 성인 이용자를 중심으로

최영우1 ; 양현민2 ; 임수아3 ; Jasmyn Kim4 ; 이상희5 ; 허진무6
1연세대학교 박사과정
2Texas A&M University 박사과정
3연세대학교 석사과정
4연세대학교 석사과정
5연세대학교 강사
6연세대학교 교수
Pokémon Go: Experiences of Mobile Game in Augmented Reality among Players over 40s
Choi, Young-Woo1 ; Yang, Hyunmin2 ; Im, Sua3 ; Kim, Jasmyn4 ; Lee, Sanghee5 ; Heo, Jinmoo6
1Yonsei University
2Texas A&M University
3Yonsei University
4Yonsei University
5Yonsei University
6Yonsei University

Correspondence to: Yang, Hyunmin E-mail: tyang0824@gmail.com


This study incorporates the phenomenological method to explore the motivation behind users’ experience of Pokémon Go, an augmented reality mobile game. Six adults over the age of 40 participated in the study, and data were collected through in-depth interviews; Although the Pokémon Go game is a popular cultural phenomenon that users of all ages enjoy, insufficient research has been conducted on the experiences of players and existing studies have mainly been limited to quantitative research. After analyzing data collected using Colaizzi’s phenomenological research method tourism experiences, fostering social relationships, creating positive emotions and family bonding due to internal and external factors through the reality-based experience of augmented reality games were identified as participation motives that influenced the experiences of Pokémon Go users. Our findings revealed that during gameplay, Pokémon Go encouraged tourism in certain areas, motivated users to create new relationships with other players using Pokémon Go, promoted feelings of enjoyment and supported interactions between family members. The outcomes of this study can be applied to provide fundamental information on implementing mobile augmented reality games as a form of leisure to enhance physical and mental wellbeing, promote intergenerational communication and boost tourism.


pokémon go, augmented reality, mobile game, tourism, social relationship, positive emotion, family bonding


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